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How to Navigate Conference Season Like a Pro

May 7, 2024
Navigate multifamily conferences like a pro with our guide! Gain industry insights, network effectively, and achieve your goals this conference season.

Multifamily conference season is upon us. Whether you're a seasoned attendee or a wide-eyed first-timer, these events offer a wealth of opportunity. From cutting-edge industry insights to invaluable networking connections, conferences can be a game-changer for meeting your goals.

Attending a conference usually involves long days full of nonstop interaction. Navigating them can feel exciting yet overwhelming and leave many attendees feeling strapped for time – that’s why we’ve put together the following guide on how to navigate conference season like a pro.

In it we’ll cover:

When Is Conference Season?

Conferences for the multifamily real estate industry are spread out throughout the year. However, there is usually a higher concentration of events that kick off in the spring (e.g. AIM in early May) and then wrap up in the fall (e.g. Optech in late October).

The bulk of conferences wrapping by fall coincides with budget planning for the following year. This timing allows professionals to gain knowledge about new technologies and strategies throughout the year before finalizing their financial plans. Additionally, conference season presents a valuable opportunity to connect with key players and potentially close deals when they’re most actively looking to do so.

Who Attends Multifamily Real Estate Conferences?

Multifamily conferences bring together a diverse mix of industry players, each with their own objectives. Investors aim to find new deals and network with partners, while developers seek insights on trends and financing. Property managers and marketers learn about best practices and technology, while lenders connect with potential borrowers. Service providers showcase their latest offerings, ensuring all attendees leave with valuable knowledge and connections.

What Happens at Multifamily Real Estate Conferences?

A wide range of activities can occur between the different attendee types previously mentioned, but here's what typically goes down:

  • Networking: Attendees have the chance to connect with peers, potential partners, investors, and service providers. Networking events, receptions, and breakout sessions provide opportunities for informal discussions and relationship-building.
  • Forming New Connections: Conferences offer a unique opportunity to meet and engage with professionals from all over the industry, fostering new relationships and collaborations.
  • Educational Sessions: Expert-led sessions featuring market trends, investment strategies, and more provide valuable industry insights.
  • Exhibits and Sponsorship: Exhibit halls are opportunities to promote and explore products, services, and solutions.
  • Deal-making Opportunities: Attendees can explore potential investment opportunities, partnerships, joint ventures, and more via matchmaking sessions, deal rooms, or one-on-one meetings.
  • Industry Updates and Trends: Industry associations, research firms, and market analysts share the latest updates, market trends, economic forecasts, and policy developments affecting the sector.
  • Professional Development: Attendees can enhance their skills and knowledge through specialized workshops, certification programs, and continuing education opportunities.

Now that we’ve understood what happens at these events, let’s discuss some tips to maximize your conference season in the following section.

6 Tips to Navigate Conference Season Like a Pro

We consulted with Mike Wolber, Apartment List’s new Chief Sales Officer and host of his own Modern Multifamily podcast, on some tips to make the most out of your conferences this year. Check them out below.

1. Pre-Show Planning

Before you even hit the registration line, take some time to strategize. What are your goals for the conference? Are you looking to learn about new technologies, connect with potential clients, or find a new job? Once you know your "why," you can prioritize sessions, research relevant exhibitors, and even schedule meetings in advance.

2. Learn the Locale

Sure, the conference center is important, but don't underestimate the power of your surroundings. Researching popular coffee shops and restaurants near the venue can be a game-changer. Not only will you have a retreat for a quick caffeine fix, but these spots also become great meeting places for casual chats with new connections.

3. Optimize Conference Time

Once you’re on-site, it's important to make the most of your conference hours. We recommend keeping the following top of mind:

  • Pick Your Sessions: Not all sessions are created equal. Carefully review the conference agenda and prioritize talks that align with your goals. Don't be afraid to mix things up and explore new topics outside your comfort zone – you could even skip one altogether if it means one-on-one time with a key player.
  • Master the App: Most conferences have handy mobile apps. Download it beforehand and familiarize yourself with the features. These apps often allow you to schedule sessions, browse exhibitor information, and connect with other attendees.
  • Take Notes Like a Pro: The information overload at conferences is real. Develop a note-taking system, which will allow you to capture key takeaways and action items during sessions and throughout the day. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

4. Networking Successfully

Conferences are all about building connections. But how do you break the ice with strangers?

Breaking the Ice

Having a few conversation starters prepared can ease the awkwardness. "What are you most looking forward to at the conference?" or "Have you been to any interesting sessions so far?" are easy openers.

Your ice-breakers don’t even need to be related to the conference – Mike recently made a post on Linkedin, and lots of folks chimed in with some of their favorites like:

  • If you had a magic wand that could remove one song from the face of the Earth, which song would it be?
  • If you were the host of a talk show, who would be your dream guest?
  • Tell me your story.
  • If you could drop everything and go somewhere right now, with no roadblocks, where would you go?

Happy Hours & Ancillary Events

Don't underestimate the power of informal events outside of the exhibit hall. You might just find yourself invited to one. One or two companies usually sponsor these events – think private events, invite-only. They’re usually happening at a more upscale venue or involve a unique activity used to lure VIP attendees. Even if you don't manage to score an invite, be mindful of the venues and activities going on. Jot down whatever they are and consider hosting your own the following year.

5. The Art of Following Up

The conference might be over, but your work isn't done yet. Follow up with new connections promptly. Send a personalized email thanking them for the conversation and highlighting a common interest you discussed. Following up with your contacts is just as important as the time you spend with them in person.

Promptness is Key

Don't let the post-conference fog settle in. Aim to send your follow-up emails within 24-48 hours of meeting someone. This demonstrates your continued interest and ensures you're still fresh in their mind.

Personalization Pays Off

A generic "it was nice meeting you" email won't cut it. Reference a specific detail from your conversation, a shared interest, or a point they mentioned during a presentation. This personalization shows you were genuinely engaged and invested in connecting.

6. Post-Conference Review

Take some time to reflect on your conference experience. Review your notes, revisit session recordings (if available), and brainstorm how you can apply your learnings to your work. Remember, the true value of a conference lies in how you translate those insights into concrete plans and strategies. Be sure to facilitate your learnings with your team members. This is important so you can mutually review all the action that transpired in a matter of days. This also allows you to identify any areas that might need improving the next time around.

Where to Find Apartment List This Conference Season

Conference season offers a wealth of opportunities for professional growth and networking. By following Mike's expert tips for maximizing your attendance, you can elevate your conference experience and make lasting connections that propel your career forward. Embrace each event as a chance to learn, network, and grow, and watch as your efforts translate into tangible results in your professional journey.

Keep an eye out for the Apartment List team at key industry events throughout the season, including AIM (May 5-8), NAA (June 19-21), Optech (Oct 21-23), and more. We're excited to connect with you, share our expertise, and help you navigate the multifamily rental market.

Can't catch us in person? No problem. Reach out to us through our website. Armed with the knowledge and strategies outlined in this guide, you're ready to dive into conference season with confidence. We'll be right there with you, every step of the way, helping you make the most of these valuable opportunities for growth and connection.

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