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11 Best Cities to Celebrate Hispanic Culture [2023 Guide]

September 20, 2023
Explore top U.S. cities for celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Our list highlights the best cities for experiencing traditional Hispanic culture.

Have you just moved to a new city and are wondering how you can celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with your local community? You’re not alone! For renters and new residents, the city you live in can elevate your experience of this vibrant cultural celebration. The right location can offer you not just convenience but a host of community events, local markets, and even apartment complex socials specifically designed to honor Hispanic customs and culture in America.

That's why we've curated a list of the top cities in the U.S. where you can fully engage in Hispanic Heritage Month festivities. These cities not only offer great cultural experiences but also boast renter-friendly communities that actively participate in the celebrations. We’ve even tapped some of our A-Listers to learn a bit about how they celebrate their heritage.

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in traditional Hispanic culture this season, keep reading to find the perfect city that caters to both your living situation and your passion for diverse cultures.

1. San Diego, California


Imagine sipping on a delicious horchata while strolling through a vibrant mercado, where the air is filled with the intoxicating aroma of fresh tamales, churros, and authentic Mexican tacos. That's San Diego during Hispanic Heritage Month for you—a city where the festivities are as sunny as the weather. Nestled close to the Mexican border, San Diego takes its celebrations up a notch with its famed Chicano Park Day. Picture it: lowrider cars, live murals being painted, and mariachi bands creating an atmosphere so vibrant, it feels like a fiesta in every corner. Adding to the city's strong Hispanic culture is the fact that over 22% of businesses in San Diego are Hispanic-owned, underlining the city’s entrepreneurial spirit and contributions to local life.

When living in or moving to San Diego, you're joining a community. Historic neighborhoods like Barrio Logan and Little Italy are not just walkable but incredibly social, boasting communal gardens and even local farmers' markets featuring Latinx vendors. The rental game here is versatile, offering options ranging from stylish studio apartments to spacious bungalows, each providing an assortment of amenities like communal barbecues and cultural events. Trust us, many of these communities kick it into high gear during Hispanic Heritage Month, organizing everything from salsa dance-offs to cooking classes that teach you how to make the perfect ceviche.

In San Diego, Hispanic Heritage Month isn't just a season; it's a lifestyle beautifully blended into the local culture, giving renters both a sense of community and a taste of rich, cultural experiences.

2. Columbus, Ohio


Think beyond enchiladas and salsa dancing—although, yes, there's plenty of that. Columbus goes the extra mile with Latino-themed film festivals, art exhibitions at the Columbus Museum of Art featuring Hispanic artists, and vibrant block parties where you can groove to reggaeton or bachata until dawn. The crown jewel is Festival Latino, a two-day extravaganza featuring live music, dance, fashion, and a cornucopia of culinary delights from empanadas to arepas. This isn't just a celebration; it's a full-on immersion into diverse Hispanic cultures

Let's pivot to the renting scene, which in Columbus is nothing short of dreamy. Forget about breaking the bank; the city offers some of the most budget-friendly yet amenity-packed living spaces in the Midwest. We're talking rooftop gardens, gyms, and even communal lounges perfect for hosting your own little fiesta. What makes Columbus exceptional is its warm sense of community, amplified by apartment complexes and neighborhoods that take Hispanic Heritage Month seriously. Expect social mixers featuring Latino music, dance workshops, and even cooking events where you can learn to whip up a scrumptious paella or tres leches cake right in your building's community kitchen.

3. Chicago, Illinois


Get ready to be swept off your feet because Chicago's Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations are nothing short of spectacular! Known as the "Windy City," Chicago might as well be called the "Fiesta City" during this vibrant month. The pulsating beats of Latin jazz echo through Millennium Park, courtesy of the annual Latin Jazz Festival. But the pièce de résistance is the parade down Paseo Boricua in the Humboldt Park neighborhood—a special gathering featuring salsa dancers, intricate floats, and enough good vibes to light up the whole city. And if you're a foodie, you're in for a treat. The Taste of Latin America festival is a culinary journey you won't want to miss, offering everything from Peruvian ceviche to Puerto Rican mofongo.

Jen Zavala

But how about living in Chicago? It's a playground of diverse, lively neighborhoods like Pilsen, known for its Latino heritage and eye-popping street murals. Renting here doesn't mean compromising; you'll find apartments that are as affordable as they are stylish. And guess what? These communities are the beating heart of the celebrations. From block parties where you can paint community murals to apartment socials featuring live mariachi bands, the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month is stitched into the fabric of local living. In Chicago, the celebration of Hispanic traditions and culture isn't confined to a single month; it's a year-round affair.

4. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Step into Philadelphia's El Centro de Oro—or the "Golden Block"—during Hispanic Heritage Month, and you'll think you've been transported straight to Latin America. Imagine cobblestone streets vibrating to the spicy beats of salsa, merengue, and reggaeton, all performed by live bands right in the heart of the neighborhood. Intricate murals and graffiti art adorn the walls, painting a vibrant story of Latino history and pride. As for food, your taste buds are in for an authentic journey—think churros dusted with cinnamon sugar, sizzling empanadas, and deeply flavorful mole dishes that are nothing short of culinary masterpieces.

Renters and residents of Philadelphia are in for a treat as well. Whether you're into historic brownstones or prefer contemporary apartments with sky-high views, Philly’s diverse housing market has something to fit your taste. What sets the city apart, however, is its proximity to cultural experiences. Many options are ideally located within walking distance of El Centro de Oro and other cultural hotspots, making it easier than ever to join in the festivities.

Instead of hosting run-of-the-mill community events, many Philadelphia apartments and community centers elevate the celebration with unique offerings. Imagine enjoying a movie night featuring Latin American cinema classics in your apartment's community room, or participating in a neighborhood soccer tournament celebrating the sport's Latin American roots. Philadelphia isn't just about being a spectator during Hispanic Heritage Month; it's about being an active participant in a rich, vibrant community that makes you feel right at home, even if you're thousands of miles away from Latin America.

5. Arlington, Virginia


Arlington might be nestled in the shadow of Washington, D.C., but during Hispanic Heritage Month, it shines in its own right as a hub of Latin culture and vibrancy. Far from being a simple suburban extension of the nation’s capital, Arlington holds its own with a flourishing Hispanic community that turns every corner of the town into a celebration. Picture local churches transforming into dancing hubs, schools hosting lively storytelling sessions that carry the rich tales of Latin American lore, and community centers where you can take cooking classes to master quintessential dishes like pupusas or ceviche. Don't miss the "Sabor Latino" festival, where the community gathers for an exuberant day of music, food, and crafts.

If you're moving to or living in Arlington, you'll find that the area is thoughtfully designed with convenience in mind. It’s not just the metro system that impresses; the layout of the neighborhoods themselves encourage you to engage with the community. Many local parks, for instance, become spontaneous venues for Hispanic Heritage Month activities. They are perfect spots for impromptu meetups, whether you're interested in practicing your Spanish, diving into a Latin American book club, or joining a local game of fútbol. These public spaces provide a sense of community that's not restricted by walls, making the local celebrations feel like an extension of your own living room.

6. Charlotte, North Carolina


When Hispanic Heritage Month rolls around, Charlotte doesn’t just participate—it celebrates with gusto! The city's multi-cultural tapestry bursts into vivid color, led by festivities like the unforgettable Latin American Festival. Hosted at Symphony Park, this annual bash serves up an immersive experience, featuring everything from sizzling Argentine asado and Peruvian ceviche to live performances of reggaeton, salsa, and cumbia. But the celebration doesn't stop there; neighborhoods like East Charlotte join in, hosting mini-festivals, cooking competitions, and dance-offs that bring the spirit of Latin America right to your doorstep.

Daniel Gomez

Interested in moving Charlotte? You're in for a lifestyle that balances luxury living and affordability. It's a city on the rise, attracting a diverse mix of young professionals, creatives, and families. This makes for a vibrant, socially active community that’s brimming with youthful energy. Unlike in larger, more crowded cities, Charlotte's rental options offer spacious living without breaking the bank. Even better, many residential areas are strategically located near parks and event venues, allowing you to easily join in the Hispanic Heritage Month festivities without enduring a long commute.

In Charlotte, you're not just observing Hispanic Heritage Month; you're living it. The city’s blend of cultural events, social engagement, and prime renting conditions create an environment where you can seamlessly integrate into the local festivities, making every day of Hispanic Heritage Month feel like a vibrant, inclusive celebration.

7. Salt Lake City, Utah


Salt Lake City might be known for its mountain vistas and the Great Salt Lake, but come Hispanic Heritage Month, it's the city's thriving Hispanic community that steals the show. Unlike in bigger cities where the festivities can sometimes feel commercialized, Salt Lake City offers an experience deeply rooted in authentic community engagement. Picture a local park transformed into a bustling mercado, where you can taste homemade tamales, empanadas, and paletas while browsing through artisan crafts. Dance exhibitions featuring everything from flamenco to bachata, making it impossible to resist joining in.

For those living in Salt Lake City, the appeal lies in the balance between urban life and hometown charm. Unlike cities where you might feel lost in the crowd, Salt Lake City offers a more intimate setting where local businesses, including your landlord, might actually know your name. And when Hispanic Heritage Month comes around, this close-knit vibe elevates the celebrations from generic events to personalized experiences. Local coffee shops may host poetry readings featuring Hispanic authors, and small art galleries may spotlight Latino artists.

During the month, community bulletin boards, often found in apartment complex lobbies or local cafes, burst with flyers and announcements about neighborhood potlucks, intimate live music gigs, or even a storytelling night at the local library. It’s the type of environment where you'll find your niche quickly, making not just your apartment but the city itself feel like home.

8. Miami, Florida


In Miami, Hispanic Heritage Month isn't just a 30-day celebration—it's a year-round lifestyle!

In Miami, Hispanic Heritage Month isn't just a 30-day celebration—it's a year-round lifestyle! With a Hispanic population making up over 45% of the city's demographic, it's no surprise that Miami pulses with Hispanic influences, from the sizzling plates of arepas served at food trucks to the beats of reggaeton and salsa filling the air. During Hispanic Heritage Month, this lively spirit is paired with events like the Cuban Heritage Festival, which takes over the Coral Gables Museum with art exhibits, lectures, and music performances. Don't miss Calle Ocho in Little Havana, where the street transforms into a grand fiesta, filled with domino tournaments, endless dancing, and more Cuban sandwiches than you could ever dream of.

Not only does Miami offer a range of renting options—from lavish oceanfront apartments where you can wake up to views of the azure Atlantic to charming casitas in neighborhoods infused with Latin character—but you also benefit from Miami's cosmopolitan amenities. Think rooftop lounges where you can enjoy a mojito while overlooking the cityscape or modern co-working spaces that help you prioritize both your professional growth and social networking.

9. New York, New York


In New York City, Hispanic Heritage Month takes center stage with a variety of festivities that resonate in every corner of this bustling metropolis. The annual Hispanic Day Parade is a highpoint, capturing the attention of residents from all boroughs. The spectacle features colorful floats, traditional music, and dance, showcasing the diversity within the Hispanic community. If parades aren't your thing, you can explore local Hispanic art at galleries in Chelsea or partake in culinary delights from all over Latin America, conveniently available throughout the city.

Allison Maldonado

New York City provides renters and residents an array of living options that put you close to the cultural action. Whether you choose the fast-paced lifestyle of Manhattan or the community-driven atmosphere of neighborhoods in Queens or Brooklyn, you're never far from cultural celebrations or events. A well-connected public transportation system ensures that regardless of where you rent, you have easy access to activities around the city. Picture living in a historic brownstone or a modern high-rise townhouse, each with its own set of local businesses and cultural landmarks that honor Hispanic traditions.

10. St. Augustine, Florida


Steeped in history and Hispanic cultural influence, St. Augustine offers a unique perspective on Hispanic Heritage Month. In the last decade alone, the Hispanic population has grown by over 60%, adding an even richer layer to the city's cultural diversity. As the oldest city in the U.S., it wears its Spanish colonial heritage proudly, making it an intriguing setting for the annual Spanish Wine Festival. This event is far from your ordinary wine-tasting—it's a feast for the senses with traditional Spanish tapas, Flamenco guitar, and dance performances. Not to be missed are the festival's historical segments that connect you with the city’s centuries-old Hispanic roots.

When it comes to renting, St. Augustine presents a blend of historic charm and modern convenience that's hard to resist. Think of picturesque cottages adorned with Spanish colonial features and newly built apartments that boast state-of-the-art amenities. Although the city is small, it buzzes with cultural activities, especially during Hispanic Heritage Month.

11. New Orleans, Louisiana


New Orleans may be widely celebrated for its French and Creole influences, but during Hispanic Heritage Month, the city's burgeoning Hispanic community takes center stage. Attend the annual Carnaval Latino, a celebration that embodies the essence of Latin American culture through vibrant parades, music, and delicious street food. The festival brings the celebratory spirit of Latin America to the heart of the city. Moreover, local eateries add a dash of Latin flair to their menus, providing a life-altering culinary experience you won't want to miss.

This city gives you the best of both worlds—a city pulsing with cultural richness and a comfortable living situation tailored to various needs. What sets New Orleans apart is its neighborhood-centric living. Each district has its own distinct personality, making it easy to find a community that feels just like home. Whether you opt for the French Quarter's historic charm or the Garden District's lush scenery, you're never far from cultural events, including those celebrating Hispanic Heritage.

Make Your Move: Start Apartment Hunting with Apartment List

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is an enriching experience that becomes even more memorable when you're in the right city. Each of these destinations offers not just vibrant festivities and cultural activities, but also renter-friendly communities that make it easier for you to join in the celebrations.

Finding the perfect apartment in these cities can be an overwhelming task—but it doesn’t have to be. With Apartment List, you can spend just 5 minutes on our personalized quiz and save 50 hours of searching. Discover the ideal apartment in one of these incredible cities and immerse yourself in Hispanic culture like never before.

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More

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